

小さなネジの偉大な歴史 - ファスナーの歴史

2024-12-25 17:04:38
小さなネジの偉大な歴史 - ファスナーの歴史

The Great History of Small Screws—A History of FastenersScrews,these tiny mechanical marvels,can be attributed to the genius of their inventorsScrews utilize the principle of the inclined plane,converting rotation into linear motion to secure objects.Despite their small size,screws are also a direct product of human practice in understanding,transforming,and conquering nature.01 The Ancient Origins of Small ScrewsAccording to available data,around the 3rd century BC,to address the challenge of irrigating land with Nile River water,the Greek scientist Archimedes invented a cylindrical spiral water lifter,first proposing the description of a spiral line,later known as the "Archimedes screw".ArchimedesScrewHowever,the journey from the spiral to the screw,this small and simple step,took humanity nearly 1800 years.During the medieval period,carpenters used wooden pegs or metal nails to connect furniture and wooden structures.It wasnt until the 15th century that nail makers began producing nails with spiral threads,which could connect more securely.Around 1780,the screwdriverscrewdriverappeared in London.Craftsmen found that tightening screws with a screwdriver was better than hammering,especially when dealing with fine-thread screws.In 1797,thefather of the lathe—Henry Maudslay invented an all-metal precision thread lathe in the UK;the following year,Wilkinson in the United States created a nut and bolt making machine.Both machines could produce standard nuts and bolts,indicating that bolts and nuts as fasteners were already quite popular at the time.In 1936,Henry M.Phillips in the United States applied for a patent for the cross-head screw.This marked a significant advancement in fastener technology.Unlike traditional slotted screw heads,the cross-slotted head screw has a cross-shaped edge that locks into place.This design allows the screwdriver to center automatically and is less likely to slip,making it very popular.02 The Present Life of Small ScrewsYou might not have expected that the history of a small screw can be traced back thousands of yearsFasteners are one of the earliest building materials used by humans and are widely used in construction,furniture,and other products.With the progress of the times and the rapid development of the economy,people are paying more and more attention to engineering design in fields such as housing,automobiles,and aerospace.Moreover,fasteners play a significant role in various fields of the national economy,such as agricultural machinery,transportation,home appliances,medical devices,and power equipment.As Chinas economy continues to develop,fasteners will gradually enter the international market.At present,fasteners have become one of the important industrial materials in China,with extensive applications in industry,mainly in construction,machinery,automobiles,aerospace,and other fields.Fasteners are also used in the production processes of chemical,electronic,metallurgical,and other industries.Analysis of the application of fasteners in different industries shows that they have the advantages of high strength,durability,corrosion resistance,and designability,making them widely used in various industrial equipment.With the advancement of industrial technology,various new materials such as aluminum alloys,stainless steel,high-strength steel plates,composite materials,and plastics are being applied in actual production.These new materials not only have excellent performance but can also effectively extend the service life of traditional materials.In summary,domestically and internationally,there is a continuous development of more advanced and environmentally friendly new fastener products,which is of great significance for improving product quality and environmental conditions.03 The Future Development of Small ScrewsWith the advancement of technology,fasteners are no longer just traditional metal products.They are now pervasive in our industrial and living production fields,and due to their special advantages,they are gradually becoming indispensable basic components.
