BN37908 O'zbekiston
Can be used in drilled or molded holes
\nInternal full thread
\nFaster installation due to greater helix angle of the thread flanks
\n\nCorrosion resistance up to 720 hours to red rust
\nBrandtype:JQS-3® 6238/6270
\nMaterial execution:case-hardened
\nSurface:zinc nickel passivated
\n"}Burg'ulangan yoki kalıplanmış teshiklarda foydalanish mumkin
Ichki to'liq ip
Ip qanotlarining kattaroq spiral burchagi tufayli tezroq o'rnatish
Corrosion resistance up to 720 hours to red rust
Bosh shakli: Kichik
Tovar: QingSong®
Brend turi: JQS-3® 6238/6270
Material: Chelik
Materialning bajarilishi: qattiqlashtirilgan
Yuzaki: sink nikel passivlangan